Title: Emails from iOS devices that are forwarded with an attachment were being quarantined
ID: EX213204
Service Restored
Title: Emails from iOS devices that are forwarded with an attachment were being quarantined
User Impact: Users may have been unable to send emails if they were forwarded with an attachment from an iOS device.
More info: This issue only affected iOS device with the build version 13.4.1.
Final status: We've created and tested a fix to whitelist affected emails, this has deployed throughout the environment, which has remediated impact for future emails. Administrators will need to release any remaining quarantined email messages manually to fully remediate impact.
Scope of impact: This issue impacted users forwarding emails, with attachments, from their iOS device that was on build number 13.4.1.
Start time: Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 4:30 AM UTC
End time: Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 10:31 AM UTC
Root cause: An iOS update, build version 13.4.1, caused forwarded emails with attachments to be caught in quarantine.
This is the final update for the event.
Thank you,
The Microsoft team
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